“In the beginning…” We are very familiar with this first verse of the Bible. And in addition to starting the Bible, it also makes me think of all the different things that I’ve started in my own life, and perhaps you, too.
We have to start somewhere, right? It may be that you are starting a new project, maybe a story you are telling, a poem you are writing, a new job, a marriage, so many things… they all start with their own versions of “In the beginning.”
God started His story, His creation, with, “In the beginning…” And that’s the way we start, too, because everything we hope for or wish to accomplish or achieve has a beginning. But sometimes it’s harder than we thought it would be to get started. We get sidetracked, we have doubts, or we find ourselves in the grip of fear because we don’t know how it will really turn out.
One of the great things about having a relationship with Jesus Christ is that He is there with us. Even when we get sidetracked. Even when we have those doubts, those fears.
“Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will hold on to you with My righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10 HCSB).
Do not stop moving forward; allow yourself to walk with God and complete what He has placed on your heart. Do not forget about your dreams or push them aside when they are dreams of which He is the source. Have confidence in the gifts that God has given you. Listen to the Holy Spirit and follow His prompting, even if you are afraid. Trusting in Him is a powerful tool against fear!
What is your, “In the beginning”? We are not alone in it if we remember to include our Heavenly Father. We must trust that He alone knows the ending, and that He will guide us through our journeys. Just like in Genesis 1:1, all good things have their beginning with God.
Toni Ceglia