Maybe there are times in your life you feel you’re on the right path and your journey is going exactly where you had planned. But then it happens… you’ve taken a wrong turn, went down a wrong path, you read the sign wrong. And you’re lost! It happens.
As we walk with our Lord, we’re on the right path for a time, but then all of a sudden, we look up and realize we’ve started going the wrong way. We’re lost again!
The good news is that God is faithful and He doesn’t want that for us. He meets us where we are. He is always there.
“For I am doing a new thing! See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a path through the wilderness. I will make rivers in the dry wasteland” (Isaiah 43:19).
You’re not out there by yourself. Listen to the Holy Spirit as He speaks to you, read the Word and see it come alive! Our God does not want us wandering or lost. I know when I align myself with Him – the true pathway, the true stream in the wasteland, He will find me and I will be lost no more.
Toni Ceglia