I was thinking today… What does it mean to surrender to God? We often think of surrender in negative terms. The first definition I found was – to cease resistance to an enemy or opponent and submit to their authority. God is not our enemy – yes, we submit to His authority, but we do so willingly. We recognize His authority over ours; after all, He is our Creator!
So as Christians, we should always seek God’s will above our own in our life. Ask for guidance, read scripture, stay close to God. Ask Him to open doors and shut the ones we don’t need to go through. We may not agree with some outcomes, but we have to trust that God is in control and knows what’s best. Surrender and trust go hand in hand. I know I struggle with this at times and I have to remind myself – THY will, NOT MY will, be done.
I want to do God’s will above my own, I want to honor God in all my ways and glorify Him because I love Him! Our love for God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, must grow to the point where we don’t see surrendering as giving something up, but we see it as joyfully loving and serving our creator – He who makes all things possible.
I would like to encourage all of us to read Genesis chapters 1 and 2. Go back to the beginning of it all and remember our good God.
(Genesis 1: 1-2) In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
To God be the Glory,
Lynn Manucci Warrick