Walking one day, I saw this sign stuck in the grass. I had to stoop down to read it. It didn’t have very big lettering. And after I read it, I thought, “This seems simple enough.”

During the day I continued thinking about that sign and how it relates to my relationship with God. Am I on the pathway? Am I on HIS pathway? I try to follow God’s pathway for me, so then my question became, “Am I REMAINING on the pathway?”

There are lots of problems, decisions, and choices that are in our daily lives. Some of these are simple and easy to discern. And then, of course, there are the ones that require a lot of time and consideration. We have our families and our friends to help us in these situations. But, it is only when we invite God into these problems, decisions, choices, that we are going to get genuinely right answers.

The Bible is filled with individuals who, when faced with difficult situations, went straight to God for direction and guidance. It’s no different for us today to go to our God for answers. He is the One who created everything, knows everything and is everywhere. Ask God to direct your steps according to His Word.

I love to walk, being outside, the sun shining; it feels nice and warm on my face. Rain and wind have purpose, but I like my clear weather walks. And at night I look at the stars. Sometimes I see the planets. I don’t have a telescope, but I know there are so many stars and constellations in the universe, and I know it’s all there.

All of His creations remind me of the God of the universe who calls us to “remain on His pathway.” Always.

“In all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.”

Proverbs 3:6 NIV

“The Lord has made the heavens His throne; from there He rules over everything.”

Psalm 103:19 NLT

God bless you all,

Toni Ceglia