Here’s a big question for you… Do you ever feel alone? Five little words, but they have enormous power!
I enjoy being by myself, spending time alone. But there was a time in my life when I thought that was just “not the way to be.” Then as got older I found that there were other people who enjoyed being by themselves, too. Just taking a walk, exploring a new trail, reading a good book. All these things I like to do by myself.
But as a Christian, someone who knows the Lord, has a relationship with God, I have to look at being alone differently than before. I’ve come to realize that God does not want us to be alone. He calls us to be in fellowship with others.
“God is faithful; you were called by Him into fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord” (1 Corinthians 1:9, HCSB).
We were never meant to be alone. When God created the Garden of Eden, He created the animals, male and female, so they would not be alone. Then He breathed life into Adam and established a relationship between Himself and man.
But God knew at the time that even man was not meant to be alone. In His wisdom He created Eve. The Garden of Eden was not just a description about Adam and Eve living together with all God’s creations, rather, it was about the fellowship, the relationship, the walking with God that was most important.
There are so many of God‘s children that don’t choose to be “alone,” but nevertheless find themselves facing that very situation. For whatever reason, they find themselves walking alone. Some of us willingly, but for so many others, loneliness seems to be thrust upon them.
God created us to be with Him to have that special, extraordinary relationship. But He also created us to be in fellowship with each other. Because of this, we are designed to seek companionship. Even when Jesus went to spend time alone, He did it to be with His Father, only then to return to the fellowship of His disciples.
I think it’s important, especially in today’s world, to be cognizant of the people around us. Don’t hesitate to say hello, good morning, what’s going on, etc. And then wait to see and hear what their reply may be. You may feel you don’t have that kind of outgoing personality, that is, to just speak out or reach out. But again, let’s not forget that the Holy Spirit is with us and He will guide us into these places. We may want to be alone sometimes; but not all the time. I believe that there are so many individuals who just need a smile or a compassionate and genuine greeting.
As we go through the day, be in tuned to who the Holy Spirit leads you to. Then say “yes” to that prompting, and then say, “Lord, show me how.”
“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up as you are already doing” (1 Thessalonians 5:11 HCSB).
Toni Ceglia